Prepare for juicing the limes by rolling it out on a table with the palm of your hand. This helps to soften the fruit and break the fibers of pulp, which in turn releases juices.
Cut all citrus (limes and 1 orange) in half and squeeze out the juice into a bowl. If you have a citrus juicer use that or do the old fork trick that I still do to this day. Insert the fork and squeeze while rotating.
Separate garlic cloves and remove their natural paper so you can either mince them or crush them in a garlic crusher.
Finely dice the jalapeño. Chop the cilantro.
Add all ingredients to the bowl : lime juice, orange juice, crushed garlic, jalapeño, cilantro, vinegar, olive oil and salt.
If you have a hand held immersion blender use it to help the oil amalgamate with the citrus liquids and to help blend the other ingredients more. Use the pulse mode and make sure it still has chunks of ingredients and is not completely smooth. If you don’t have an immersion hand held blender – but you do have a high speed blender – transfer ingredients to the blender and pulse until you see the oil change color and consistency.
Place your raw steak in a glass dish and pour the marinade over the top. Move the steak around to make sure all sides are coated evenly.
Refrigerate over night or for at least two hours.
Bonus*- Remove the marinating meat from the refrigerator at least 30 minutes before cooking to help it come up to room temperature. Taking the chill off will help the meat cook more evenly.