Mince the shallots.
Cover the minced shallots with seasoned rice vinegar(2-3 tbsps) and let sit for at least 20 minutes or over night.
Add 1/4 cup of olive oil.
Add 5 rounds of ground crack black pepper.
Shake (if in glass jar or container) or whisk together .
Preparing collard greens and cleaning collard greens: give the greens a good soak and rub off any dirt with your fingers. You can soak them in water with a little bit of vinegar before hand if you like. Rip the green leafy portion off the thick stem and discard the stems. Chop the greens into approximately 2×2 inch sections.
Steam the fresh collard greens and other greens(kale, chard or spinach) in the instant pot following directions for instant pot collard greens or simply steam them in a sauce pan with a few tablespoons of water and a cover. Cook on medium-low for 10 minutes. Strain water after they are finished cooking. For the collard greens instant pot method put on high pressure with a cup of water(per manufacturers instructions) and cook for 3 minutes. The machine needs to reach boiling temperature before it will start counting down the 3 minutes of high pressure cook time. The collard leaves should still have a deep vibrant green color but be soft and shrunken enough to easily eat.
Strain the water from the greens and plate them.
Spoon the vinaigrette over the greens and mix thoroughly so that all sides of the leaves are coated. Depending on the serving size of the greens will determine how much vinaigrette you will use. A small bowl of greens(1 serving) uses about a tablespoon of vinaigrette. Start smaller and work your way up. Over dressed greens are never enjoyable and you can’t go back from putting too much on, but you can always put on more! Finish with malden salt and cracked black pepper and sliced greens onions.
If you want to make this side greens dish a little extra or add some sustenance to it to make it a full meal – add 4 or 5 fried quail eggs on top. I drizzle more of the shallot vinaigrette onto each individual quail egg and finish the whole thing with some malden salt, cracked black pepper and finely chopped greens onions.